Thing were made a little easier this year when I was told that my cousins were coming down from Montreal for my dad's meal. I'm sure everyone has at least a few family members that they can't stand. For me it's my uncle, aunt and cousins from Montreal. I cannot relate to them in any way. Throughout my childhood, they would come down at least once a year for several days. These were some of the most awkward and uninteresting family get togethers ever.
This side of the family is very waspy. They are well off, religious, conservative individuals. I don't think they're bigots but we are very different people. They are socially awkward and just all around boring. It's like a life and death struggle just to try and get through a one sentence conversation.
My other side of the family is the complete opposite. They are from a large family from the East Coast of Canada (lots of Irish/Scottish). They are very loud, friendly and are easy to read. They're easy to talk to and multiple conversations can be happening at the same time, with everyone switching between them without missing a beat. There are many problems in this side of the family (drugs, alcohol, spontaneous pregnancy at 16), but at least they feel like people.
When I was younger we would have everyone from this side of the family over for all major holidays. It's was often drama filled, but always fun. If I needed a break I would just run up to my room for a little while.
Our holiday dinners are a little smaller now. It usually consists of my grandfather, mother, cousin, brother, and myself and Jame (and last year an uncle on my mom's side and is crack
I'm not entirely sure where this post is going, so I'm going to end it here. It's time to watch some Sunday night TV!
I'm glad you posted because for some reason I wasn't getting your feeds. I think you've summed up Thanksgiving and a lot of the holidays in my own family.....that's one of the reasons why I don't live back in Wisconsin anymore. It's amazing the lives people choose for themselves and the bigotry and hate that follows them. I gave up with that kind of thinking and even trying to change it and made it my own. It takes a patient person to deal with the ignorance and hostility of others. This year, I am renting a cabin with me and the other half and just spending it together. We're going to make it our own this year and for the first time instead of doing these strange family outings.:)