Monday, November 23, 2009

Black Jack Taco

Now I'd just like to clear up the fact that this is about a delicious food item from Taco Bell and not some weird innuendo. 

As the days start to grow shorter and the temperatures get colder I start to transform.  I turn, from someone that is relatively good at watching what he eats, into a beast ravenous for evening fast food runs.  It doesn't matter where it is - Taco Bell, McDonalds, Burger King - I just need to eat at about 9:30PM.

Today we ended up going to Taco Bell.  Apparently they have a new item called the "Black Jack Taco".  It's also really cheap which is always a winner in my books.  It really is just a gimmick to pretend like they've come out with this new and amazing product.  It's just a hard taco with pepper jack sauce.  The shell isn't even made from blue corn.  Instead it's just dyed black. 

This being said the Black Jack Taco, like everything else on the menu, is a delightful taste sensation.  It truly is an orgasmic symphony of flavour within your mouth.  Even though each taco is 210 calories I would recommend you try one. 

I expect these fast food runs to occur increasingly often.  Usually we get until Thursday before we can't resist any more.  Unfortunately Thursday came on Monday this week.  The urge to eat is almost impossible for me to fight and sometimes I just have to give in!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Tomorrow is thanksgiving in Canada.  Most people get the Monday off and some people even had Friday off last week.  All holidays are a complicated scheduling flip-flop.  My father, mother, and boyfriend's parents have holiday meals on all different days.

Thing were made a little easier this year when I was told that my cousins were coming down from Montreal for my dad's meal.  I'm sure everyone has at least a few family members that they can't stand.  For me it's my uncle, aunt and cousins from Montreal.  I cannot relate to them in any way.  Throughout my childhood, they would come down at least once a year for several days.  These were some of the most awkward and uninteresting family get togethers ever.

This side of the family is very waspy.  They are well off, religious, conservative individuals.  I don't think they're bigots but we are very different people.  They are socially awkward and just all around boring.  It's like a life and death struggle just to try and get through a one sentence conversation.

My other side of the family is the complete opposite.  They are from a large family from the East Coast of Canada (lots of Irish/Scottish).  They are very loud, friendly and are easy to read.  They're easy to talk to and multiple conversations can be happening at the same time, with everyone switching between them without missing a beat.  There are many problems in this side of the family (drugs, alcohol, spontaneous pregnancy at 16), but at least they feel like people.

When I was younger we would have everyone from this side of the family over for all major holidays.  It's was often drama filled, but always fun.  If I needed a break I would just run up to my room for a little while.

Our holiday dinners are a little smaller now.  It usually consists of my grandfather, mother, cousin, brother, and myself and Jame (and last year an uncle on my mom's side and is crack addicted enthusiast girlfriend).  This is the dinner that I went to today.  I still enjoy these dinners.  It keeps things interesting.  Tomorrow we have dinner with Jame's parents, nephew, sister and her boyfriend.  These are somewhere between the two extremes that are my family.

I'm not entirely sure where this post is going, so I'm going to end it here.  It's time to watch some Sunday night TV!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

United States National Equality March

Tomorrow is the US National Equality March in Washington.  I wish everyone that's going the best!  I would be there with you all if I could.  Someday soon I believe that everyone in the United States will be able to enjoy the same rights that we have in Canada.  What happens in the US will inspire people in countries throughout the world to change the views of their own societies.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Gay TV Characters

More and more of the shows that I regularly watch are starting to have gay characters. I absolutely love it! It's just all around comforting to see them. I really don't care if they are a stereotype, recurring character, or part of the main storey line. I'm just happy that they're there. My current list of INCLUSIVE shows includes: Desperate Housewives, Nurse Jackie, Brothers and Sisters, Weeds, True Blood, Modern Family, 30 Rock (kind of), and Suze Orman (not a 'show' but she's great... You, cannot, afford it!).

However I've noticed that something has started to happen. Shows that I once loved I find myself no longer wanting to watch. These are the shows without gay characters. I still find the shows to be good, but really feel like something is missing. One good example is Dexter. Last year I was absolutely delighted by this show. However this year I'd like to see a new cast member. Maybe someone transferred from another police precinct. He could have a picture of him and his boyfriend in clear view on his desk.

Does anyone else find their media choices becoming a little slanted? By the way I don't know if any else watched Ru Paul's Drag Race but I LOVED that show. It just fills a much needed void in my preferred televisions programming. I think it's coming back in January!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Delightful Commercial

A few days ago I was watching TV and then the oddest commercial came on (watch before reading). It begins with two children sitting on a little metal bench. There's fabric in the background and within a few seconds you realize that they're either being photographed. After a few more seconds of people preparing the kids for the cameras, the little boy starts his watch and the view pans to that of one of the cameras. This is when you find out that it's actually a video camera.

Then something wonderful happens. They begin moving their eyebrows. It's slow at first and then builds up into a masterpiece. Did I mention that there is a balloon involved? By the end of the commercial I was extremely confused and had no idea what just happened. Then out of nowhere a Cadbury thing appears on the screen. So apparently that thing that just happened was actually an ad for Cadbury.

Normally I don't like ads like this. I see them as a cheap gimmick to get peoples attention, and make them want to purchase a product that is not good enough to sell itself. But this commercial was just so incredibly delightful to me that I had to rush over to youtube and watch it several more times. Since then it has been on multiple times per day and I haven't lost my enthusiasm for it. That is what led to this post. They couldn't possibly have casted better children for such a weird commercial! This is just one of those random nonsensical things that just puts a smile on your face!

It seems this commercial is at least 7 months old, but I have never seen it aired before in Canada. If anyone knows of any other great commercials please let me know!

PS. I also just saw a Government of Canada (to do with our healthcare services) commercial with a gay couple. And it wasn't one of those 'hidden' ones. They were in a car accident and the one had his arm around the other outside standing by their car. We also have a TD commercial running with a gay couple. Then there's the Ontario Travel one that shows the gay village in Toronto. Yeah! It's exciting to be included in advertising!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Night Abuse

Anyone that is in a relationship knows what night abuse is. Some mornings you wake up and notice a small but visible scratch across you're arm or face. Neither one of you knows where the scratch came from. Whoever has the scratch immediately assumes it was the other person.

You really have to wonder what is happening during the night. Could they maybe have done it on purpose? Some kind of passive aggressive act to get back at you for who knows what? So you jokingly accuse them of doing it. Of course you're only half joking to gage their response. They may seem completely innocent but there is always a nagging feeling that there's something more vicious behind those smiling eyes...

Monday, August 31, 2009

First Post! (well sort of)

I'm in the process of rebranding this blog from linux GUI (a little niche) to a personal blog.  I'll start regularly posting on September 10th when my classes have started for the year.  If you can hold on until then I know you'll enjoy the ride!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I haven't posted in a while so here's my latest desktop setup. I used the latest 'mashup' icon set from gnome look (visible on the taskbar) and I made the taskbar background image myself in gimp. Cairo-dock is located at the centre bottom of the screen with my custom icons. I modified the emerald window theme (everything but the buttons) so that it was as colourful as the background. Unfortunately I can't remember where I got the background. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Linux Wallpapers

Here is a linux wallpaper that I created because I couldn't find a dark, simple one that I liked. There are two different versions. One with reflections and the other without. I only made it in one size 1280x800. If anyone would like a different size just let me know!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


My Current Ubuntu Setup with compiz window previews enabled, no docks, and a custom gnome panel background. The emerald theme manager is also being used.

One thing that really bothers me is Windows. I have tried Windows 98, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. Every new Windows release is an expensive and unsatisfying experience. About a year and a half ago I became so frustrated that I began to look for an alternative. After doing a little research I decided that a linux-based operating system would be the best option. I eventually decided upon Ubuntu. After the initial install and a bit of playing around I was not that impressed. Everything worked but the 'user experience' of the operating system was not what I wanted it to be. This sent me on a quest to fully explore the GUI of linux. I was supprised to learn that linux can really be whatever you want it to be.

There are a variety of programs available to enhance the linux experience. I can't help but wonder why they are not included by default. During the installation of the system, graphical option could be set by the user, or based on detected hardware. Programs that I feel should be installed by default are emerald, compizfusion, cairo-dock, and avant-window-navigator. With these programs linux can be customized to look like whatever you'd like it to. It is possible to almost exactly copy the Vista or OSX look (if that's what you'd like to do). Below are some of my concepts for a linux desktop. They are combinations of various themes created/modified by the linux community and myself.

The above screenshot shows the emerald theme manager, cairo-dock at the top, and avant-window-navigator at the bottom (with the reserve screen edge for dock options enabled). The gnome panel is completely hidden.

This image shows the emerald theme manager with a customized gtk theme and the default-gnome panel expanded to double height with a custom background.

This is a very simple concept. Only the avant-window-navigator is used to manage windows and applications. I created the icons out of various images I found online.

Here the gnome panel is not hidden entirely, but used for the clock applet and a reflective surface for the avant-window-navigator icons. I made the wallpaper from individual plante pictures and made the icon set out of various pictures I found online. The clear window is the gnome-terminal. It's background can be set to any image/opacity. With the compiz blur plugin enabled, the entire window would look like Vista glass. Unfortunately my Acer doesn't support it.

This is similar to the last one but with more windows open. The gnome panel has been hidden.

As is this one, but with less windows.

I wish more linux distributions would provide these options by default. I believe this would greatly increase the overall experience of linux, and cause more people to look at open source operating systems and software as truly superior options.

First Post

This blog is meant to be a collection of my ideas, how-tos, and various ramblings. I hope you enjoy it!